Firefall Guide – Thumping: How to use a thumper

Metal, an important resource in Firefall, is primarily collected by Thumping. Thumping is an on-demand mission where players calldown and defend a Thumper for five minutes while it harvests a deposit. There are eight types of thumpers. During this time creatures and in some cases Chosen and Bandits spawn.

Firefall Guide – Resource and Salvage Overview

Firefall has four main types of resources, which are collected from activities in the world or purchased via the market. These resources are refined into crafting components, which are combined with Crystite to make gear. This guide covers the different resources, where they're from, and what they turn into when they're refined or salvaged.

Firefall Guide – Harvesting surface deposits

Besides Thumping, surface deposits is another way to gain metals, an important resource in crafting.

Firefall Guide – How to use Calldowns

Calldowns are items you collect from the world that are activated like an ability. They take up the 5, 6, 7, and 8 keybinds by default. You can access all calldowns via the calldowns menu by pressing c. A calldown selected via the calldowns menu is assigned to 5. In order to assign calldowns to 6, 7, and 8, you must click and drag from 5 while in mouse mode.

Firefall Guide – Equipment modules

There are six types of modules and three types of slots they can go into for weapons and for abilities. This guide oveviews the different types you can equip and where they go. It also covers hidden modules, which is built into your weapons or abilities, and how to remove modules or replace modules.
Titanfall gameplay

Titanfall beta :Assasin and Titan gameplay

Titanfall beta: Assasin and Titan gameplay on Angel City gamemode Attrition. The assasin uses a smart pistol that locks on enemies.
titanfall beta gameplay

Titanfall beta: Attrition gameplay as Rifleman and Titan

Titanfall beta Gameplay video demonstrating the rifleman class and the usage of titans on the Fracture map. The gamemode in this video is Attrition.