Access times
The access time is the response time when requesting to read a random file. Faster spinning drives will have to wait less before their file rotates by and therefore have better acces times. SSD’s have no moving parts and are vastly superior. The SSHD cannot guarantee the random file is in the fast part of the drive and therefore has the same access time as a 7200rpm hard disk drive.
[stopclear]Pricing and capacity
Obviously for most of us a budget has to be considered. Keep in mind that a lot of multi platform games have had low quality textures because the previous generation of consoles only had 128 or 256mb ram. The latest generation consoles uses 8 GB (!) of ram. Therefore it is highly likely there will be a massive increase in texture size on all future pc titles.
The SSD is the most expensive storage solution and only provides 250 GB. Windows and its application data will eventually take up 60 GB leaving just 190GB for your games and other files. Even when using all of this storage on games you could only fit about 5 or 6 modern games.
The SSHD is a lot cheaper and offers 2000 GB of storage. For pretty much the same money a traditional hard disk drive will offer you 3000 GB of storage. Obviously there are also smaller versions available.
Comparing the data we can conclude that the pricing is SSD>SSHD>HDD. Furthermore bigger is always cheaper. With 0,05 € per GB the 2000 GB SSHD is actually not that far from the hard disk drives. The 1000 GB SSHD offers less value for money and is therefore hard to recommend.