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You are about to rob the Big Bank in Payday 2. This guide will explain the necessary steps for completing it on loud mode!


The Big Bank Heist guide series

For your convenience Payday 2 The Big Bank Heist guides have been split into several posts.

  1. Big Bank Heist: Preplanning and new stuff
  2. Big Bank Heist: Loud guide (here)
  3. Big Bank Heist: Stealth guide
  4. Big Bank Heist: achievements

Notice from Admin

This Payday 2 The Big Bank Heist guide has some flaws introduced by me, not by the author. It will be updated shorty. Thanks for understanding.

Loud Objectives

  1. Open the server room
  2. Hack the right computer
  3. Optional: check for keyboxes
  4. Bypass the time lock
  5. Drop the pig (or continue with Thermite)
  6. Find the vault
  7. Build the Drill (or use the Thermite)
  8. Loot the vault
  9. Escape

For stealth check our other guide: Payday 2 – The Big Bank Heist Stealth Guide

1 Open the server room

Nothing special, find the server room and hack the computer inside, your allies are : keycards and ECM for doors(Ghost tree).
– Note : there is a small chance this computer is the right one !!!!

2 hack the right computer

The Entry hall has offices on the first and second floor that each have several computers.

Ground floor pc areaFirst floor pc area

payday2 big bank heist guide office area ground floor

payday2 big bank heist office area first floor

To get to the next step we need to hack the right computer. There is a way to spot the right computer.

When you hack the computer in the server room, one of the computers will make a BEEP BEEP BEEP sound (same as the metal detectors). This computer will display an error (operation failed, you can’t miss it).

payday2 big bank heist guide hack the computer


  • You can interact an unlimited amount of times with the computer in the server room!
  • Let one member NOT use his mask in this phase, he can safely move around to find the correct computer.

3 Optional: Check for keys

Key boxes with keys will randomly spawn in the map. Inside these boxes you will find keys.

payday2 big bank heist guide key boxpayday2 big bank heist guide key box open

These keys are a new feature and can be used to open metal doors in the vault. You can interact with a metal door when equipped with a key.

Keys are not consumable, instead you will randomly use one of the keys and it may open the door (or not).

4 Bypass the time lock

You will need to enter the code and wait for the time lock (3 minutes normally, 2 minutes 30 secs if you get the asset). This door can spawn at the ground floor or at the first floor:

Ground floorFirst floor

payday2 big bank heist guide access vault ground floor

payday2 big bank heist guide access vault first floor

Open the security room on the roof, then open the box inside to re-wire the system. The timelock will run normally after that, so you don’t need to stay on the roof.

Once the door is open , you can access the Vault area.

5 A Drop the pig (default)

The default method of getting in the vault requires you to assemble a drill called The beast. The beast can be assembled from the pig. You need to drop the pig from a crane located on the roof.

Pig on the cranePig when dropped

As you can see there is an actual pig on the crane. Interact with the Crane to drop it.

payday2 big bank heist guide the pig

Money? No it’s the “beast” and a drill bit kit.

payday2 big bank heist guide pig destroyed

Once you drop the pig it will contain a box with drill bits and 3 bags that have to be transported to the vault. Make sure everyone picks up a drill bit.

Protip: you can drop the pig before the others objectives, because you are able to go to the crane as soon as the alarm goes off !!

5 B Thermite

If you used favors you will not need to deploy the Pig and you can continue to the next step.

6 Find the vault

Find the vault. It can spawn on two locations.

Spawn 1 and 2Spawn 3 and 4

payday2 big bank heist guide vault area ground floor

payday2 big bank heist guide vault area first floor

7 Get into the vault

6A Build the drill (default)

Bring the 3 parts of the BEAST (pig), and start it. Don’t forget to use  bits to repair it,.

6B Use Thermite (option)

Wait till the Thermite is done.

8 Loot the vault

7A Loot the vault (default)

It’s open ! Take the loot and go out. If you do not have c4 or a saw you can use keys to open up boxes.

7 B Loot the vault Thermite (option)

You will need to open the vault to get out. Use the green button next to the vault door.

payday2 big bank heist guide green button next to the vault door

9 Escape

Use the escape plan you took in the pre-planning phase, and enjoy it !


Put the loot in the cage on the roof, then escape !

Elevator trick

Take the loot to the elevator. The van will wait for you in the parking lot !

ClosedOpenedThe parking lot

payday2 big bank heist guide elevator door closed


payday2 big bank heist guide elevator door opened


payday2 big bank heist guide parking lot

 C4 tunneling :

Use c4 to blow up the wall and escape !

Bus stop :

Call the bus via a phone and escape in the parking lot !

payday2 big bank heist guide escape bus stop

Next guide: Big Bank Heist: Stealth guide